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Git Commit Message StyleGuide



This is an attempt to standardize the format of commit messages, for the sake of uniformity in git log, best practices for writing commit messages & fun!

Using emojis at the beginning of commit messages, other than being fun, provides a simple way to indicate the intention of that commit, an ease for the eyes when browsing/reviewing git log. It’s also a simple measure of the fact that how much that commit is focused on a single purpose, which is a good practice.

If these rules and/or using emojis is an overkill for your productivity or simply losing its purposes, please tailor them to your needs or don’t use them.

Summary of the reasons for these conventions:

Commit Message Format

<type>(<scope>): <subject>



Message Subject(first line)

Message Body


Suggested Emojis

Emoji Raw Emoji Code Description
:art: :art: when improving the format/structure of the code
:newspaper: :newspaper: when creating a new file
:pencil: :pencil: when performing minor changes/fixing the code or language
:racehorse: :racehorse: when improving performance
:books: :books: when writing docs
:bug: :bug: when reporting a bug, with @FIXMEComment Tag
:ambulance: :ambulance: when fixing a bug
:penguin: :penguin: when fixing something on Linux
:apple: :apple: when fixing something on Mac OS
:checkered_flag: :checkered_flag: when fixing something on Windows
:fire: :fire: when removing code or files, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag
:tractor: :tractor: when change file structure. Usually together with :art:
:hammer: :hammer: when refactoring code
:umbrella: :umbrella: when adding tests
:microscope: :microscope: when adding code coverage
:green_heart: :green_heart: when fixing the CI build
:lock: :lock: when dealing with security
:arrow_up: :arrow_up: when upgrading dependencies
:arrow_down: :arrow_down: when downgrading dependencies
:fast_forward: :fast_forward: when forward-porting features from an older version/branch
:rewind: :rewind: when backporting features from a newer version/branch
:shirt: :shirt: when removing linter/strict/deprecation warnings
:lipstick: :lipstick: when improving UI/Cosmetic
:wheelchair: :wheelchair: when improving accessibility
:globe_with_meridians: :globe_with_meridians: when dealing with globalization/internationalization/i18n/g11n
:construction: :construction: WIP(Work In Progress) Commits, maybe with @REVIEW Comment Tag
:gem: :gem: New Release
:egg: :egg: New Release with Python egg
:ferris_wheel: :ferris_wheel: New Release with Python wheel package
:bookmark: :bookmark: Version Tags
:tada: :tada: Initial Commit
:speaker: :speaker: when Adding Logging
:mute: :mute: when Reducing Logging
:sparkles: :sparkles: when introducing New Features
:zap: :zap: when introducing Backward-InCompatible Features, maybe with @CHANGED Comment Tag
:bulb: :bulb: New Idea, with @IDEA Comment Tag
:snowflake: :snowflake: changing Configuration, Usually together with :penguin: or :ribbon: or :rocket:
:ribbon: :ribbon: Customer requested application Customization, with @HACK Comment Tag
:rocket: :rocket: Anything related to Deployments/DevOps
:elephant: :elephant: PostgreSQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …)
:dolphin: :dolphin: MySQL Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …)
:leaves: :leaves: MongoDB Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …)
:bank: :bank: Generic Database specific (Migrations, Scripts, Extensions, …)
:whale: :whale: Docker Configuration
:handshake: :handshake: when Merge files
:cherries: :cherries: when Commit Arise from one or more Cherry-Pick Commit(s)


Fun Emoji Usages


Ask to Be Creative!

To add a new Emoji to the list: Create an Issue & Send a PR.


The Code is licensed under the MIT License.